Colon Cancer Early Warning Symptoms to Keep in Mind
Cancer in the large intestine, specifically the end of the digestive tract, is called colon cancer. Though it can occur in individuals of any age, it occurs mostly in older adults. It starts with the formation of polyps i.e. small benign clumps of cells inside the colon. Over time, these benign clumps become malignant and multiply rapidly, crowding out healthy cells, and converting into cancer. This form of cancer is also called colorectal cancer.
Stages of colon cancer
The four main stages of colon cancer are as follows:
1. Stage I: Cancer has spread to the muscular wall of the large intestine from the lining of the large intestine.
2. Stage II: From the muscular wall of the large intestine, it has spread to the outermost layer and starts to spread into the adjacent organs.
3. Stage III: The colon cancer has metastasized to the lymph nodes and the other organs next to the large intestine.
4. Stage IV: This stage is called metastatic colon cancer. Cancer has spread to the liver, lungs, and bones.
Early warning symptoms for colon cancer
It is advisable to go to your doctor for regular checkups for the early detection of colon cancer. Listed below are the early warning symptoms for colon cancer to watch out for.
1. Change in bowel habits
Changes in bowel habits, including diarrhea and constipation, should be observed carefully. This could be an indication of colon cancer.
2. Tiredness
If you feel tired or fatigued on a regular basis without any particular reason, it is advisable to go consult a doctor immediately.
3. Unexpected weight loss
If you experience unexpected weight loss, along with any of these other symptoms, a visit to the doctor is a must.
4. Incomplete bowel movements
You might constantly feel that your bowel has not emptied completely despite just having visited the bathroom. This could indicate the occurrence of colon cancer in the body.
5. Rectal bleeding
Rectal bleeding is one of the early signs of colon cancer though it will not necessarily mean the presence of the condition. But a visit to the doctor would be advisable to rule out any chances of the disease.
6. Gas and stomach cramps
If you have regular gas or stomach cramps despite trying various medications for it and other natural remedies, it could be an early warning sign for colon cancer.
7. Anemia
Lack of hemoglobin i.e. anemia could be an early sign of colon cancer.
Experiencing any of these symptoms or a combination for a prolonged period of time should follow a visit to the doctor for an early diagnosis and proper treatment.
1. For small and localized diagnosis, the polyps are removed using the procedure of colonoscopy. This procedure is medically termed as polypectomy. For this to happen, the diagnosis has to happen at the early stages of cancer.
2. When the polyps become larger, it can be removed during a colonoscopy. The procedure is called endoscopic mucosal resection.
3. Laparoscopic surgery is another option for the treatment of this cancer. This technique is used when colonoscopy is not an option.
4. Major surgery is used as a treatment method when the above techniques cannot be considered for the treatment.