5 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better

5 Proven Tips To Help You Sleep Better

Good sleep depends on many different factors—proper nutrition, exercise, a good sleep environment, a comfortable mattress, avoiding caffeine, and so on. Unfortunately, there are many factors that are also against you, like outside traffic noise, sleep apnea, insomnia, stress, snoring… the list goes on and on. Luckily, there are some things that can help with different issues, such as getting a narcolepsy medication, taking Pitolisant (as with any medication, always look into side effects before using), seeking medical advice on ways to prevent snoring, CPAP machines, and more. If you need help funding your prescribed medications for better sleep, be sure to look into health insurance and discounts like Sunosi coupons. However, if you’re looking for some simple ways to help you sleep better, try these 5 proven tips:

1. Put the phone away
As hard as it may be, your phone and any other electronic device should stay out of the bedroom or put down at least 30 minutes before bed. The blue light that emits from these devices mimics daylight, impacting your internal body clock. Additionally, scrolling through social media and watching videos gets your brain stimulated and engaged, which keeps you awake and delays REM sleep. Opt for a book or meditate before bed instead.

2. Create a comfortable, relaxing sleep environment
The ideal sleep environment is quiet, dark, relaxing, and at a comfortable temperature. Transform your space with some black out curtains and a white noise machine, and up the sleep ambiance with an essential oil diffuser or a weighted blanket. Investing in better sleep is never a bad idea, as the average person spends a third of their life asleep—moreover, good sleep is essential for good overall health.

3. Be consistent
By going to bed at the same time every night and waking up at the same time every morning (yes, even on the weekends), you can reinforce your body’s circadian rhythm. This, in turn, will help you get to sleep easier, get those essential sleep cycles, and keep you feeling energized and refreshed for the next day.

4. Exercise
Being physically active during the day helps you to fall asleep easier at night. If you’re new to exercising, try starting off with a 30-minute walk a day, once you feel good with that, you can try to work on a run. If cardio isn’t your thing, weight-lifting, yoga, and pilates are additional fantastic ways to move your body.

5. Avoid large meals, caffeine, and alcohol too late in the day
Consuming a large meal close to sleeping can negatively impact digestion and sleep quality, caffeine too late in the day can delay the timing of your body clock and reduce the amount of deep sleep you get, and alcohol late in the evening can wake you up more often at night, cause you to snore, and suppress REM sleep. Eat at a proper hour, opt for decaf, and keep alcoholic beverages to a minimum and not too late in the evening.