Cities That Are Unfavorable for Migraine Sufferers
The city you live in can have an effect on your migraine condition. There are many factors, such as weather, lifestyle, and access to healthcare systems, that make a city unconducive for migraine patients. Let’s look at some of the worst cities for migraine patients:
- Cincinnati, Ohio
- Madison, Wisconsin
- Little Rock, Arkansas
- Knoxville, Tennessee
- St. Louis, Missouri
- Nashville, Tennessee
- Johnson City, Tennessee
- Chattanooga, Tennessee
- Greenville, North Carolina
- Canton, Ohio
1. Parameters used for ranking
The ranking of the worst cities for migraine used many parameters, including the number of prescriptions issued for the treatment of migraine. For this purpose, the use of the triptan class of drugs was considered. The environmental factors that caused migraine were considered too. These include rapid changes in weather, extreme temperature ranges, and the time required for daily commute. Crime, divorce, and suicide rates in the city were also considered. Consumption of certain foods can also trigger migraine. These include cheese, nuts, alcohol, citrus fruits and juices, peanut butter, coffee, tea, pizza, carbonated drinks, etc. Lifestyle factors can also influence and worsen this condition. These factors include the number of hours for which you work, travel, sleep, and do physical activity.
2. The role of stress
Stress plays a major role in aggravating migraine symptoms. For example, cities that have heavy traffic can cause stress due to long commute times. Work-related stress in major cities is also a contributing factor to migraine. Sleep is another factor that is related to stress and migraine. Stress affects sleeping patterns. Poor quality of sleep can affect health adversely and lead to the aggravation of migraine symptoms. The cities that are migraine hotspots have more instances of people getting poor sleep.
3. The effect of barometric pressure
Barometric pressure is a weather-related factor that can worsen migraine symptoms. Cities that experience extreme weather, excess humidity, and incidences of thunderstorms have an effect on barometric pressure. When barometric pressure fluctuates, it affects the body. This can cause a migraine or worsen its symptoms.
4. Analysing the worst cities for migraine patients
An analysis of the worst cities for migraine patients reveals some facts that can help you understand why they are ranked in such a way. Cities like Little Rock, Albuquerque, and Nashville rank poorly on the environment front, as these cities have environmental factors that can aggravate migraine symptoms. St. Louis and Cincinnati have more instances of food triggers and lifestyle factors that aggravate migraine. Lexington has the most number of migraine prescriptions.
This information on the parameters used to compile the list will help you understand what makes a city bad for migraine patients.