Practical Tips to Buy Healthy Dog Food
The market is flooded with numerous high-quality and lesser-known dog foods, giving ample choice for dog owners to pick the right one. However, several choices of dog foods can often lead to confusion, and you may end up picking the wrong one for your dog. Deciding what to feed your dog is something you should take a closer look at the nutritional value and if it suits your dog. There are some effective tips that help you choose the best dog food to keep your furry companion healthy and active.
1. Avoid Shelf-stable Foods
Relying on advertisements for nutritional information is the biggest mistake you can make while buying dog food. The clever marketing tactics often fool you, and you fail to question why a processed food has a shelf-life of up to 24 months. However, these foods don’t have live enzymes and are prepared using synthetic supplements merely to meet the nutritional standards. But, these foods cause serious health problems in your dog that can also be life-threatening.
2. Stick to One Type
While feeding your dog the right food is of paramount importance, consistency is an equally vital factor. Unlike humans, dogs don’t require a 3-course meal with variations. Your dog requires a stable connection with a specific type of food or a uniform meal that has the perfect balance of important nutrients, proteins, and fat. If you keep changing the food, your dog will not be able to adjust to the variations, resulting in variations in weight and nutritional value.
3. Opt for All-natural Foods
The best and the safest food you can give your dog is 100% natural food. Since it’s not advisable to change the food, it’s important to start feeding food minus artificial ingredients and hidden fillers. Dogs take longer to digest food, and hence, they cannot adjust to foods with chemical blends since it’ll upset their stomach and lead to digestive problems. Recognize every ingredient on the dog food and make sure there are not marketing gimmicks in the way.
4. Choose Antioxidant-rich Foods
Processed and commercial foods cause inflammation in dogs and lead to several health ailments. Inflammation is the major cause of several diseases in dogs. Pancreatitis and arthritis are the most common ailments found in dogs fed with processed foods. Even if you use commercial foods, check for the ingredients, and add anti-inflammatory whole foods before feeding your dog.
5. Purchase Hypoallergenic Foods
There are many allergies you don’t notice until your dog develops them over time. It’s advisable to always pick foods that are hypoallergenic to minimize any potential risk that can have adverse reactions. While it protects dogs with allergies, it also safeguards dogs that don’t have allergies.
6. Opt for Low-fat Treats
Overfeeding dogs with treats and foods that include lots of fats can hamper their growth and development. While puppy food is loaded with extra fats that help them gain weight, you can go with natural dog treats that are low in fat content. It’s important for the dog’s gut health and maintaining overall energy.